"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance.The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break." -Chinese proverb

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A match made in heaven

I don't even know where to start so I'll just blurt it WE GOT A REFERRAL!!!  I'm still in shock but we got a call from Holt this morning saying that they found a little girl for us.  I was at Ella's dance class and Erik was at work so we both rushed home and waited for them to send us the email with all of her information and pictures!  I've heard different people's reactions to seeing their child for the first time but for us, it was a case of we just knew she was ours.  Well, to be honest, we knew before we got the email.  We had already been told enough information over the phone to feel like this was it and, sure enough, it was.  OUR DAUGHTER!!!  I don't think I can share pictures of her on here until we get our pre-approval to adopt from China but I will share some of the info that we have on her.  She's 18 months old (only 3 months younger than Ethan...yikes!) and she's gorgeous, apparently she smiles easily and is smiling adorably in both of the pictures that we have of her, she's clearly well taken care of and a good eater because she's got some good chub on her!  When we saw her chubby legs, Erik said, "She's already a Tuma!"  And yes, it sounds like she's a perfect fit for the Tuma clan...or I should say, a match made in heaven!  From what we know, she's active and has a ready smile.  If you know our kids, you'll know that's a perfect description of Ella and Ethan so she'll fit in nicely!  Apparently, she's a deep sleeper and I hope she stays that way!  One of my favorite parts of the description of her was, "She is lovely and clever girl, we all likes her."  I can tell, I likes her too! :-)  Another thing that was super important to us is that she sounds very attached to her caregiver.  I've been praying that this was the case every day because it means that she knows what it is to be attached to someone and, while she will grieve the loss of that caregiver when we bring her home, it will make it much easier to get her to attach to us if she knows what it is to trust and love someone.

I just can't believe how quickly everything happened in the end!  We just got our dossier off to China 4 days ago and our login date yesterday, which was a miracle in and of itself, but then we got our referral one day later!  And actually, they found her on the shared list last night.  I love our adoption agency!  While we were sleeping/trying to sleep, our daughter had already been found for us!  It's amazing how God can work miracles when He needs to.  Nevermind what seems impossible to us, it's not impossible to Him!


  1. That is so amazing!! I am so excited for you guys.

  2. Unbelievable!! I can't believe how fast that went. I bet you guys are counting the minutes until you get to see her in person. I'm very much looking forward to meeting my beautiful new niece. What a great addition to the family she will make! As soon as you know, you have to tell us when we can come and visit you guys. Now, I'm getting anxious!!
